Conversations with MarTech
As publishers turn to low-value and AI-generated content, they’re missing out on authenticity and original points of view.
Conversations with MarTech is a new series highlighting interesting points of view and interesting roles in the marketing and marketing operations space.
Season 1 of Conversations with MarTech debuts in January 2025. The premier season has already recorded five episodes, including:
- Kara Heater, Director of Marketing for the Savannah Bananas baseball club (What can marketers learn from the Savannah Bananas?)
- Mark Stouse, CEO of ProofAnalytics (What do C-level executives think of their GTM strategies?)
- Len Devanna, VP of Customer Experience of Cortico-X. (Voice agents will change how you think about your brand and website)
- Natalie Silverstein, Chief Innovation Officer, Collectively. (How influencer marketing became an essential channel)
- Mike Rizzo, founder, (Want to understand marketing ops? Talk to this guy)
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Conversations with MarTech
What can marketers learn from the Savannah Bananas?
It’s not easy to describe the Savannah Bananas to someone who hasn’t witnessed them in action. They are part baseball team, part traveling circus and 100% entertainment.
The Bananas play a game they call “Banana Ball,” which resembles baseball in many ways, but with shorter games, 11 rules you won't find in baseball and more than a hint of vaudeville thrown in for good measure.
It’s a concept almost perfectly designed for social media and online video, and that’s exactly where the Savannah Bananas built a loyal following of fans, some of whom have, for years, entered a lottery for a chance to see it all in person.
We struck up a conversation with Kara Heater, Director of Marketing for the Savannah Bananas, to talk about how the team uses a combination of video, social media and authenticity to entertain millions of fans, many of whom have never seen the team play in person.
If you think the company and products you’re marketing play in a different league than the Savannah Bananas, you’re probably right. But that doesn’t mean there’s nothing to learn from how the Bananas built a phenomenon.
Host: Mike Pastore, Editorial Director,
Guest: Kara Heater, Marketing Director, Savannah Bananas
We don't need to be everybody's cup of tea in a sense.
Uh, we really like that we're able
to make the game more fast paced, more entertaining,
and just bring positivity
and fun to everyone no matter what.
It's not easy to describe the Savannah Bananas to anyone
who hasn't witnessed it.
They're part baseball team, part traveling circus,
and they're 100% entertainment born in an era
of social media when it's easier to create
and distribute video content than ever before.
And led by a charismatic leader in Jesse Cole,
the Savannah Bananas are just made for our time.
Unlike pastor editorial director at MarTech,
you might be thinking that the company you work for
and the products you, you market are
as far from the Savannah Bananas as possible.
And you might be right, but
that doesn't mean we can't all learn
something from their success.
And joining me to talk about it is Kara Heater, director
of Marketing for the Savannah Bananas.
Kara, thanks for joining us. Thanks for having me.
I'm super excited to chat with you today.
Alright, explain for those who are unfamiliar,
who the Savannah Bananas are
and what your responsibilities are in your role.
And just for our video viewers,
we're gonna roll some footage
that Kara's team was kind enough to share for us
because it's a little easier to see perhaps than
to explain inwards.
Yeah, so like you said, we are part baseball team,
part traveling circus.
So the Savannah Bananas are a baseball team
that plays our own version of baseball called Banana Ball.
So Banana Ball's whole goal is to make baseball fun
and make the game of baseball more
fast-paced and more entertaining.
So it features 11 different rules, some
of those being if a fan catches a foul ball,
it's an out two hour time limit, no stepping out of the box,
no bunting because everybody knows Bunting sucks.
Um, and the golden batter rule where you can, uh,
once a game use a, a golden batter
and put 'em in anywhere in the lineup no matter who they are
or or where they hit in the lineup.
Uh, so it's a lot of fun.
So we do a lot of entertainment during our games as well
as play a full fledged baseball game in two hours.
So you'll see run celebrations
where the players will score a run and come to home plate
and do a full TikTok dance,
or we'll do crazy Player Walkups where a guy is walking up
to the plate lips singing along to Taylor Swift,
one direction, all the crazy things.
Um, so it's a lot of fun.
It keeps the day to day interesting every single day.
Um, but yeah, that's a little bit about the bananas.
And then my role as marketing director here is kind
of overseeing everything that goes out on social media.
So I work alongside the rest of our marketing team
and our video team,
and we work closely with the entertainment team here as well
as, um, the, the players themselves to come up
with all the crazy ideas and,
and content that you see going out on social
media on a daily basis.
So it's everything from idea generation to execution
to then following up on posting and reviewing analytics
and all of that good stuff.
And maybe, you know, the, the proof
that you guys have have touched the nerve is that a few
of the things you talked about are making their way
into Major League baseball.
Yeah, it's, it's interesting to see, uh, we've got,
we've got a lot of feedback, some good, some bad from
what we're doing with the game of baseball,
and we know we're not everybody's
cup of tea, and that's okay.
Uh, some traditionalists really don't like what we're doing,
but we think that, uh, we, we don't need
to be everybody's cup of tea in a sense.
Uh, we really like that we're able
to make the game more fast-paced, more entertaining,
and just bring positivity
and fun to everyone no matter what,
if you're watching on social media
or if you're at the game in person.
All right. So you are marketing a product,
and I alluded to this in my intro that's almost perfectly
designed for the age that we live in
with video and social media.
Tell us a little bit about how you use those formats
and those channels to engage with your audience.
Yeah, I mean, it's, it's everything for us.
Uh, obviously social media is so huge, like you said,
in this, this new, this era I guess you could say.
Um, and so we utilize it as much as we possibly can.
Uh, so the, the big things we do is
post content on a daily basis for each of our teams.
Uh, that's simply just for fans to enjoy.
So we utilize each platform.
So TikTok, Twitter threads, Facebook, Instagram,
YouTube, think, I think I covered all of 'em there.
Um, we utilize those on a, on a daily basis
to post content for our fans.
Um, I think what's interesting is
how each platform is different in a sense.
So you really have to know how your audience shifts
between each of those platforms.
So for us on TikTok, we know, for example,
that it's a much more Gen Z
and younger audience, whereas
Facebook is a little bit older, uh, of an audience as
compared to TikTok or even Instagram.
Um, so it's interesting to be able to, to know those things
and utilize 'em when it comes to figuring out
what content we're going to post on those platforms
because something that might work on TikTok might
do terribly on Facebook
because it's just doesn't make sense for
that audience or that platform.
So it's really cool to be able to adjust our content
to fit each platform and fit each audience.
Um, and I think it's super important to also pay attention
to what the apps are pushing.
You know, there's constant changes in each platform's
algorithm and new features.
And we've noticed that anytime
that an app is putting out a new feature, we really need
to utilize that because they're wanting you to,
so they're gonna reward you for utilizing it.
So for example, TikTok put out a new photo slideshow, uh,
feature a couple months ago, and we've been utilizing that
and seeing some really great, uh, responses
and analytics on that side of things.
So it's really cool to, to be in tune with the things
that the acts are coming out with, uh, so that we know
what new features we can test and experiment with.
All right. So you are, in addition to a marketer,
a consumer like all of us, probably in both your business,
your B2B Life and your personal B2C life.
Mm-hmm. What do you wish other marketers could take from the
work that you and your team do
or from the marketing that's effective for you guys
and incorporate it into their work?
I think the biggest thing that we do,
and a big thing that I enjoy when I'm consuming media myself
is making sure that all of our content is authentic.
So we really want it to feel like we're almost breaking down
that fourth wall and that we are best friends with our fans
and not just relying on them to make purchases.
That's never the intention.
Our mission statement is fans first entertain always,
and we make sure we do that with everything that we do.
So when we're actually putting out a piece of content,
we ask ourselves three questions.
One, is this fans first
or mission statement two, does this make baseball fun?
Which is our whole bowl and banana ball.
And three, is it shareable?
So if this is something that we're not proud enough
to share on our own personal social media pages,
why would we be proud enough to share it on a page
with a couple million followers?
Um, so we're really looking at authenticity
in, in everything that we do.
So a lot of that comes back to kind of call
to action versus non call to action post.
So if you look at our pages, 95% of
what we post has absolutely no call to action.
Uh, we realize people don't come to our page
to want to be sold.
They want to feel valued, is the best way to put it.
So with our content, we're, we're strictly just trying
to be authentic and spread positivity in the world
and in a way of making baseball fun and,
and doing crazy things on a baseball field
that nobody has ever seen before.
So I think authenticity is where we've seen a lot
of success, and that's where I personally like
to consume is, is when content is very authentic
and it's not all this super posed, highly produced stuff.
So stuff, yeah. You listed off
all the big social media
channels a couple minutes ago, right?
Mm-hmm. But is there one marketing tactic or channel
or creative idea that you haven't used in your work
that you'd just love to try?
I think for us right now, threads is actually pretty new.
We've kind of just started putting a real effort into it,
and I'm super excited alongside our team to,
to put a little more bandwidth behind threads.
It's been increasing in users
and engagement every single month,
and I think it'll be a really cool way to continue
reaching a brand new audience that maybe we haven't touched
before in a new way.
So I like the fact that it's kind of a hybrid of Instagram,
Twitter, and Facebook all in one.
So we're really excited to start pushing on threads a little
bit more and see what that can do for us.
Um, in terms of creative ideas, I mean there's a, a zillion,
if I'm being completely honest, uh, we have
what we call OTT sessions during the season
where we meet once a week
and we're just pitching the crazy ideas to
that we implement into the games,
and one that we have pitched for years now,
but we just don't know how to figure out is the player
actually skydiving into the field for a game.
So the pitcher starting pitcher gets announced and he comes
and jumps out of a plane, has a ball in his hand,
so the second he lands on the ground,
he actually throws the first pitch at a game.
So there's tons of creative ideas like that
that we definitely want to try.
Another one is putting a bull in the bullpen.
So a player doing a full bull riding thing
before it might have to be inflatable,
but you never know, we'll make it up one day.
Um, there's a ton of creative, cre creative
and crazy things that we've wanted to do
and just haven't, haven't put the,
I guess haven't put the resources into it yet.
'cause some of 'em are a little tougher to, to find a bull
that somebody will give to you.
And, you know, safety is a big concern in mouth, so Sure.
You need the mechanical bull from a bar. Yeah, exactly.
Um, yeah, those of us who are old enough
to remember the 1986 World Series will remember someone
parachuting into Shea Stadium in the middle of a game.
If you're not old enough, good
for you, go find it on YouTube.
So, uh,
there's probably marketers out there thinking, gosh,
it's easy to market a product like the Savannah Bananas.
Everybody wants to see them.
And that begs a question, what are the biggest
challenges you face in your job?
I think for us, it is the things
that are out of our control.
I know that sounds very broad and generalized,
but I think sometimes people forget
that it is a live baseball or live banana ball game.
Our games are not scripted like some people believe.
Um, our games are,
what's scripted is who's doing a crazy lip syncing walkup
and what run celebrations are coming
after they score the first run or second run.
But what's not scripted is who's gonna hit a home run
that game, and how many strikeouts the pitcher's gonna
throw, and ultimately, who wins the game.
Um, so obviously we have a lot of things
that are scripted on the entertainment side for games, but
because it is a live banana ball game,
things go wrong all the time, and that's okay.
So that's something that we've learned to kind of work
around and adapt to.
So if something goes wrong
or we can't get to something, we do have to kind
of take a step back
and say, okay, well there goes
what content we were gonna put out tonight.
So now we have to adjust and kind of go back and,
and look at what else we captured during this game so
that our video team can edit
and our social team can get it out on social media.
Um, because we found that quick turnaround works really,
really well for us, and we always wanna be the first
to post the crazy things that happen at our games.
Um, so I think the fact that it is a live game can,
can throw some curve balls at us, pun intended.
Uh, quite often it's pretty fast paced.
And then I know I talked about it a little bit earlier,
but the ever-changing world of algorithms
and social media will always pose somewhat of a, a problem.
Sometimes it's, it's tough
to keep up sometimes on all the crazy things
that are changing to Twitter or XI guess I should say,
and threads and Instagram
and all these new platforms and features being put out.
So we really have to make sure on our end
that we're staying on top of all the things
that are trending constantly, uh,
because we know those always win
and all the changes that are happening in the world
of digital media and digital marketing.
Um, so I would say those are some of our, our biggest, uh,
biggest setbacks sometimes, but it also adds some fun to it.
I know that sounds cheesy, but it is fun than coming to work
and not know what to expect exactly.
Every single day you, you're getting something different,
which is really fun and keeps it fresh.
Kara Heater, director of marketing for the Savannah Bananas.
Thanks for joining us. Thanks so much for having me.
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